04 August, 2011


Blogging really isn’t as easy as it seems. I think I lack the discipline to do a blog. Or maybe if I had more readers ;) Anyhow, here I am and today I shall present you a new member of my family: Minzy.
This little kitten is almost 4 months old and she definitely stole my heart. I adopted her about two weeks ago. A friend of mine had another friend who found kittens in his backyard because the mother had abandoned them. I just happened to be looking for a kitty to adopt so the timing was perfect. I went to get her at their house and she was quite traumatised when I carried her all the way to my apartment. Once we got in, she looked around and tried to hide for a little while. I expected her to stay hidden for at least 2 or 3 hours, but as soon as my dad left the apartment, Minzy just came in my bedroom and decided to hang out around me while I was at the computer.
  She seemed to adapt to my place very quickly and I let her sleep with me from the first night. I soon realized how kittens are hyperactive. God…as soon as the sun came up she started to play in the bed, trying to wake me up. Brutal first days I must say.
My first day at work, I was very tensed at the idea of letting Minzy all alone but it also went well. Cats are very independent creatures but at this age they look so fragile and full of needs that I feel like a mother caring for a child. For a week it was all fine…Until last Friday. I woke up in the morning only to find out that she had peed in my bed. I found it weird since she had never done it and she used the litter box very often. I proceeded to wash my sheets but then she started to pee AGAIN on my bed, directly on the mattress *facepalm. I got very angry and thought she was being naughty. That’s when I made a connection with a behaviour she had had for a few days; every time she went in the litter box to pee, she would cry. As I didn’t know her I just thought it was her thing, but no, she was sick. I quickly called my dad and he spoke with his girlfriend, who happens to be a veterinarian, and also searched the web for information. Minzy happened to have many symptoms of a cystitis, which is a bladder infection. My dad came by and picked her up, so that she could be treated at the vet’s clinic. The day after it was confirmed that she had cystitis and that she would need two weeks of antibiotics.
When they brought Minzy back the day after, she seemed alright at first, but then I realized how sick she was. She kept on trying new places to pee: the floor, the mop, the mop bucket, the wires behind the TV!! I kept running around the apartment wiping off the pee. It made me very tired and exhausted. I was almost angry at her, even though she didn’t chose to be in this situation. Two days passed, and there wasn’t any amelioration. I started to panic and planned to bring her back to the vet. Fortunately, the antibiotics finally kicked in around yesterday. Although I won’t let her sleep with me (I had to wash my bed sheets so many times in the last 7 days I’m sick of it!) I can see she’s making progress. We’ll see how it goes…and I hope she stays healthy for many months and years to come!


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04 August, 2011


Blogging really isn’t as easy as it seems. I think I lack the discipline to do a blog. Or maybe if I had more readers ;) Anyhow, here I am and today I shall present you a new member of my family: Minzy.
This little kitten is almost 4 months old and she definitely stole my heart. I adopted her about two weeks ago. A friend of mine had another friend who found kittens in his backyard because the mother had abandoned them. I just happened to be looking for a kitty to adopt so the timing was perfect. I went to get her at their house and she was quite traumatised when I carried her all the way to my apartment. Once we got in, she looked around and tried to hide for a little while. I expected her to stay hidden for at least 2 or 3 hours, but as soon as my dad left the apartment, Minzy just came in my bedroom and decided to hang out around me while I was at the computer.
  She seemed to adapt to my place very quickly and I let her sleep with me from the first night. I soon realized how kittens are hyperactive. God…as soon as the sun came up she started to play in the bed, trying to wake me up. Brutal first days I must say.
My first day at work, I was very tensed at the idea of letting Minzy all alone but it also went well. Cats are very independent creatures but at this age they look so fragile and full of needs that I feel like a mother caring for a child. For a week it was all fine…Until last Friday. I woke up in the morning only to find out that she had peed in my bed. I found it weird since she had never done it and she used the litter box very often. I proceeded to wash my sheets but then she started to pee AGAIN on my bed, directly on the mattress *facepalm. I got very angry and thought she was being naughty. That’s when I made a connection with a behaviour she had had for a few days; every time she went in the litter box to pee, she would cry. As I didn’t know her I just thought it was her thing, but no, she was sick. I quickly called my dad and he spoke with his girlfriend, who happens to be a veterinarian, and also searched the web for information. Minzy happened to have many symptoms of a cystitis, which is a bladder infection. My dad came by and picked her up, so that she could be treated at the vet’s clinic. The day after it was confirmed that she had cystitis and that she would need two weeks of antibiotics.
When they brought Minzy back the day after, she seemed alright at first, but then I realized how sick she was. She kept on trying new places to pee: the floor, the mop, the mop bucket, the wires behind the TV!! I kept running around the apartment wiping off the pee. It made me very tired and exhausted. I was almost angry at her, even though she didn’t chose to be in this situation. Two days passed, and there wasn’t any amelioration. I started to panic and planned to bring her back to the vet. Fortunately, the antibiotics finally kicked in around yesterday. Although I won’t let her sleep with me (I had to wash my bed sheets so many times in the last 7 days I’m sick of it!) I can see she’s making progress. We’ll see how it goes…and I hope she stays healthy for many months and years to come!


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